
September 10, 2014

Wednesday Whimsy

Formerly 'Work it Wednesday,' 'Wednesday Whimsy' is now the weekly link round up to perk up your day and point you to some great places around the interwebs.

Wednesday Whimsy

It's the middle of the week, which means it's time for some whimsy! It's finally getting cooler over here, which means it's almost time for cardigans, scarves and hot tea. I definitely can't wait. Check out these links I rounded up and don't forget to share your own at the bottom!

I am in love with fruit + water. Check out these combinations from The Beauty Department. Just looking at these makes me thirsty.

Honestly, there's nothing better than spending some quality time with a furry friend.

In the past few weeks I've been considering picking up a cactus for my desk. Can we please discuss these adorable cacti? I need a cactus garden, stat!

Anyone who knows me knows I love Fall Out Boy. They came out with a new song on Monday and I can't stop listening.

XOMISSE has some of the best advice when it comes to blogging and design. Some of my favorites include a guide to copyright and fair use, and how to overcome bloggers block.

I definitely needed this in college: Jillee has a list of things to buy and not to buy at the Dollar Store. Definitely useful if you're a student (or if you're just poor, like me!)

Not only is their website adorable, but the ladies from Hello Luvvy are also from Arkansas! Definitely worth checking out.

Julie from Free People talks about how to take a better self-portrait. These are awesome, AWESOME tips for anyone taking a new self-portrait or selfie!

5 Ways to Stay Calm in a Crazy World: an oldie but a goodie.

What is making your Wednesday a little more whimsical?
Share your favorite links of the week in the comments below!


  1. Awh thank you so much for mentioning my blog, really glad you like it. Off to check out some of these links :)

    1. No, thank YOU for all of your wonderful tips!! :)



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