
October 8, 2014

Wednesday Whimsy

Just another reason why I love Aziz Ansari.

These DIY Leather Bracelets are adorable. Perfect for some quick gifts for a friend's birthday or just because!

You have to do the work, you have to do the work, you have to do the work. Perfect advice from Tiffany Han. If you want it, you have to work for it.

Did you know that Gilmore Girls is now on Netflix? That's all I've been watching lately.

Have you ever tried out a mind map to-do list? They look pretty cool, and they definitely keep you organized.

"Sometimes, we feel like dreaming betrays our reality. As if to wish for more makes us ungrateful for what we have. That’s not the case. There is always more. You are capable of holding two states of consciousness at once: presence and longing." - Danielle LaPorte

Can we please have a discussion about Yasi and her perfect wardrobe? I definitely need to start stepping up my work-wear game.

How to Respond to Blog Comments the Wrong Way: I'm so glad I read this. I can't believe I never figured this out.

If you're in your 20's, like me, have you been out of the country? Here are some reasons why you should travel while you're young.

American Horror Story comes on tonight. I really can't contain myself. I'm so excited I could scream, which is totally a thing that might happen because clowns. Killer clowns.

What whimsy would you like to share with the other readers today?

Share your links in the comments below!


  1. Loved your blog ! This post is great.. I really enoyed your writing !
    I just followed ! :)

    1. You're so lovely - thank you so much! And thank you for following! I hope you continue to enjoy the posts! Look out for one tomorrow! :)



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