
September 26, 2014

LEVEL UP : What Video Games can Teach You about your Business

What Video Games Can Teach you About your Business |

When you defeat an enemy in a video game, you gain experience points. Experience points help you learn new abilities, level up and make it easier for you to win the game. Growing up, I would spend an insane amount of time trying to get my character as much experience points as possible. Although it was time consuming, when I got to the higher levels I had an easier time beating the stronger enemies.

Your business can sometimes feel like an uphill battle. Whether you're working for a company, searching for a new job or self-employed, sometimes it can feel like you're stuck in an endless boss fight with no hope of winning. Maybe you feel like you just don't have a chance.

Maybe it's time for you to gain some experience points.

And no, I'm not talking about hitting your friends with sticks or kicking rocks until coins fly out. I'm talking about doing things that give you an advantage in your life and your business.

Learn New Abilities

It's true - the game has changed. Skills that used to be in high demand like being able to use a computer or create a Word document are now seen as basic skills that everyone should know how to do. In video games, new abilities make you more powerful - if you choose the right ones and utilize them correctly. The same goes for skills in real life. Learn what skills are in demand by the people in your field or learn what skills will give you an edge. This could be writing, photography, graphic design or even something like learning physics or economics. Take the time to learn a new skill so you can have a step-up on your competition.

Choose your Party Wisely

It is so important to surround yourself with people who support you. You want people in your life who lift you up and make it easier for you to face those everyday challenges. Unfortunately, sometimes you and your friends aren't on the same page. Maybe you're at a higher level than they are or maybe you feel like they're bringing you down emotionally or in terms of your business. It could be time for you to step away from a friendship if it's impacting you in a negative way.

Be Patient

If you've ever played Pokemon, you know the feeling of sitting there for hours defeating Pidgey after Pidgey until your Pokemon finally gains a level. If you're not Pokemon-savvy, I'm basically saying that sometimes you have to do the easy stuff over and over again so you can move on to the big stuff. Sometimes you have to work that minimum wage job until your small business takes off. Sometimes you have to get rejected until you find your dream job. Other times you have to sit at your computer, learning Photoshop basics until you become a graphic design master. Keep at it. Before you know it, you'll be a Pokemon Master. (Or something equally as awesome.)

Take a break

Have you ever played a video game and gotten that feeling like you want to throw your controller across the room? If you're feeling like that at your job or in your business, it's time for you to take a break. Take a moment to reflect on what you think you're doing right or wrong. Have a snack break. One of my favorite things to do when I'm feeling a little overwhelmed is to grab a friend and take a walk outside. The fresh air always helps me to cool down.

Have fun!

We all know those people who take life way too seriously. Make sure that at the end of the day you are being true to your vision. If you're not happy with the way your life or business is going, change it. You deserve to be happy.

What about you? What things are you doing to give you an advantage in your business?
Let me know in the comments below!

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